Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Farting is a normal bodily function. It is as natural, universal and routine as breathing, eating and sleeping. Yet at times, I am at a loss when I try to explain this physiologic activity to patients, colleagues or even my own self.  Everything about farting is a bit fuzzy- Are they humorous, offensive, or accidental!

It may sound strange to you but as a doctor focusing on gut health, I frequently fancy about backside stories. Let me share with you one of my dreams when I chatted with Mr. Booty Bomb. This happened a few weeks ago. He appeared like a bubble, light but puffed up, sounded like a whistle and smelled like colon cologne.  He appeared perplexed and burdened with many questions. So before I could even say a word, it started rip snorting. Doctor, I am so confused about few fundamental truths pertaining to me:

  1. It is a cross-cultural and trans-historic fact that farts are considered rude and offensive in most social contexts. Most of the times subjects hold on to me tight, suffocating, and squeezing me in their butt cheeks. Why am I so embarrassing?
  2. If I am so humiliating, then why am I a source of endless humor- perhaps more than any other physiologic bodily activity? Farts are funny! So much so that once Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly repeatedly passed gas on a live broadcast and this YouTube clip to date has had 12 million views.
  3. Sometimes, my owners feel happier and lighter when they float an air biscuit but at other times, they get worried and rush to see you. When does my presence mean a sickness?
Funny or Offensive!

Scientific Facts About Fart and Intestinal Gas: Let me share with you all some scientific facts about flatulence and intestinal gas.

  1. Most humans produce 1 to 3 pints of gas daily and a normal human subject can fart about 14-25 times a day. So before you get alarmed, start counting.
  2. Farting is normal and an indicator that the bowels are working, healthy and devoid of obstruction.
  3. Few of us pass large volumes of odoriferous gases from the hind end. It depends upon the diet and one’s colonic flora. Since modifying one’s colonic bacterial population is not yet an easy effective option, treatment is mainly geared towards dietary modifications.

Sources of Intestinal Gas: Gas in the intestinal tract comes from 2 main sources:

  1. Air swallowing also known as aerophagia is a common cause of gas in the belly. Eating or drinking too swiftly, chewing gum, smoking or loose dentures can result in more air swallowing. Anxiety, stress can also cause heavy breathing, and thus increase aerophagia.
  2. Digestion and breakdown of certain foods by harmless bacteria naturally occurring in the large bowel produces gas, resulting in excessive trouser coughs.

Recommendations to Reduce Flatulence: So here are the evidence-based tips to help combat excessive farting!

Foods That Cause Excessive Flatulence
  1. Eat slowly, and try not to drink through a straw. Also, keep away from too many fizzy drinks and beer. Say no to chewing gum, hard candy and sweet chocolate.
  2. Avoid these foods that can worsen flatulence: a. Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, onions, Brussels sprouts and turnips. b. Grains such as wheat or oats. Rice is less gas producing. c. Lentils and beans d. Dairy produce. Plain Yogurt may be a better dairy option. e. Cashews
  3. Stay away from artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol, which is a common component of diet drinks.
  4. Shun too sugary and too salty foods as they may increase water in the bowel lumen causing uncomfortable bloated feeling.
  5. Exercise. In one small study conducted in Germany, folks who engaged in a post-meal stroll significantly sped up their digestion.
  6. Although fruits can be sweet, refreshing, and thirst quenching, yet they can also induce gas and bloating. Certain fruits have a high ratio of fructose to glucose such as watermelon, apples, and pears. In some individuals fructose digestion is problematic. If this is you, stick to fruits with a more equalized fructose glucose ratio, such as bananas and blueberries.

My final words to Mr. Booty Bomb:

Video Stream

Do you have any personal stories or anecdotes about gaseous outbursts from the backside? Do you suffer from excessive flatulence?  I welcome any questions, comments or feedback. Thank you very much for reading. Keep smiling.

Disclaimer: This blog/video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided in this video is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a physician regarding any health-related diagnosis or treatment.


By Doo Doo Dr.

I am a gastroenterologist who loves to entertain, educate, enjoy, eat and of course egest! Follow along, you will b ecstatic!

2 thoughts on “If Farts Could Talk | Easy Tips to Reduce Intestinal Gas”
  1. Nice to go through your funny and interesting way to explain horrendous issues which concerns everyone.
    You have mentioned that “Farting is normal and an indicator that the bowels are working, healthy and devoid of obstruction.” If it is so, it is beyond my comprehension to undrstand why I have to use force at the seat for pooing when I am facing the problem of farting too much.
    When I look at the sources, in category 1, I find no one, except denture, is applicable in my case. But i don’t think that I have loose denture although not sure. So far anxiety and stess are concerned, I think no one is without stress or anxiety. If you go to any doctor, he will link every disease with stress or anxiety as these days no one is without stress or anxiety.
    comments on recommendation to redicue flatulence:
    !. I eat and drink slowly. 2. I never use straw to drink. 3. I do not drnk beer etc but when I used to drink whisky or beer, I was not having this problem. 4 I do not chew gum , candy or chocolate
    Being Indian Punjabi and living with daughter who is vegetarian, it is not not possible to avoid vegetables you have mentioned. Almst all these vegetables are cooked in home , I do eat. Of course I take every vegetablesince I am not choosy. Cashew, dairy product, milk and curd I do not eat.
    Being Punjabi I love to eat grains but, in old age, I take rice and wheat both. Of course, poreference in these days is for rice.
    As far as possible I avoid sugar and spicy or having much salt these days lathough I am fondof sweet items.
    I take walk after dinner but I sleep after lunch after retirement .In my serving period I was not getting time to sleep during day.
    Banana I do not take, I was taking blueberries but I stopped it as the seeds of it used to enter in between my denture and gums. I do not take watermelon but I take apple and pears as doctor has advised me to take these fruits

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